Identify future defaulters & high-value customers with the support of alternative data

Prevent defaults, automate lending decisions, and identify valuable customers with an AI-powered Digital Scoring System.

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Key benefits for lenders

Fight fraud effectively

Combat fraud with advanced analytics and new data sources to safeguard your loan portfolio.

Accelerate loan processing

Streamline loan applications for swift processing. Automate reviews for efficient and prompt loan approvals.

Identify high-value customers

Evaluate customers without a credit history to expand your approved base and enter new markets.

Complete your traditional data with digital footprint insights

Complete your traditional data with
digital footprint insights

Reduce your loan default rate with the Digital Scoring System

RiskSeal offers an API risk evaluation solution tailored for lenders. It goes beyond data enrichment - it’s a complete user scoring and decision-making system.

Using just a user email, phone number, and IP address data, RiskSeal analyzes a customer's digital footprint and provides their detailed digital profile.

Easy verification

Real-time check performed with API, email, and phone number.

Comprehensive user screening

Deep user analytics and the creation of a detailed digital profile with 400+ data points.

Region-specific solutions

Swift addition of local services. A custom approach for seamless integration.

Digital Identity Verification

Identity verification using social signals and digital footprints.

Scalable system

Applications check with any technical and pricing limitations. Easy API integration.

Digital Credit Score

Ready to use, AI-powered digital credit score system.

Results lenders get

Approved customer base growth

Identification of trustworthy customers from high-risk ones, even with low or no credit rating.

Differentiate risk with data analysis
Identify creditworthy clients with minimal history

Proactive default prevention

Stop defaulting loans before they happen and avoid the cost of debt collection, or loss from no repayment.

Predict defaults with advanced analytics
Enhance risk profiling with behavioral data

Credit risk reduction

Real-time, accurate, and extensive data to spot default risk, even in underbanked areas or without access to a credit bureau.

Utilize diverse data for risk insight
Advanced algorithms for underserved market assessment

Approved customer base growth

Identification of trustworthy customers from high-risk ones, even with low or no credit rating.

Differentiate risk with data analysis
Identify creditworthy clients with minimal history

Proactive default prevention

Stop defaulting loans before they happen and avoid the cost of debt collection, or loss from no repayment.

Predict defaults with advanced analytics
Enhance risk profiling with behavioral data

Credit risk reduction

Real-time, accurate, and extensive data to spot default risk, even in underbanked areas or without access to a credit bureau.

Utilize diverse data for risk insight
Advanced algorithms for underserved market assessment


How RiskSeal can improve the default ratio?

RiskSeal Digital Credit Score takes user identifiers (such as email, phone, and IP). It analyzes various digital and social signals in real-time to produce a reliable score that helps in assessing customers in the absence of credit history.

How does the integration with RiskSeal look like?

It’s a single API Endpoint where you send us the data and get an instant response. We support both synchronous and asynchronous integration, depending on the user flow. We require no embedded SDK or any other piece of software that should run on the device.

Can you provide examples of the digital and social footprint RiskSeal provides?

RiskSeal seamlessly verifies user identifiers across 200+ digital and social platforms to pull information about online reputation, digital presence, and financial behavior. The average profile created with RiskSeal includes name info, email age, email deliverability, registration information across 200+ platforms, whether email and phone number are connected and belong to the same person, and more.

Does RiskSeal flag bad customers across the region?

Yes, our clients benefit from network effects across our active regions.

How RiskSeal can improve the default ratio?
RiskSeal Digital Credit Score takes user identifiers (such as email, phone, and IP). It analyzes various digital and social signals in real-time to produce a reliable score that helps in assessing customers in the absence of credit history.
How does the integration with RiskSeal look like?
It’s a single API Endpoint where you send us the data and get an instant response. We support both synchronous and asynchronous integration, depending on the user flow. We require no embedded SDK or any other piece of software that should run on the device.
Can you provide examples of the digital and social footprint RiskSeal provides?
RiskSeal seamlessly verifies user identifiers across 50+ digital and social platforms to pull information about online reputation, digital presence, and financial behavior. The average profile created with RiskSeal includes name info, email age, email deliverability, registration information across 50+ platforms, whether email and phone number are connected and belong to the same person, and more.
Does RiskSeal flag bad customers across the region?
Yes, our clients benefit from network effects across our active regions.

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